Does your (grand)mother understand what you do?

ITEA is an exciting environment full of innovation, international collaboration, new products and solutions. But it is also an environment of engineers and scientists, an environment where new products and services are created through complex processes to solve, among other things, urgent needs of customers in many domains, simplify or automate tasks, and save energy or even lives. In short, to contribute to a better society!
And in the end the society, the people, should be aware of these great innovations and work that has been achieved in your ITEA project. This is especially important, as ITEA projects are supported with public money and the people are often the end users. But what if they don’t understand what the outcomes are and how these outcomes can serve them?
Keep it simple
To be able to promote your outcomes from an ITEA project to e.g. the general press, journals etc. it is important that you can explain it as simply as possible, like when you would explain it to your (grand)mother. This will also help you in any conversation with future customers (of course, you will have the technical details ready when asked for).
Therefore we invite you to share with us a short summary of your project outcome(s) without the difficult technical details. In each upcoming ITEA Newsletter, we will share new stories and when we see the opportunity, we will also share your story with the press, the Public Authorities and at (external) events.
You are invited to send in your story (max 1 page) to and we look forward to sharing the word and promoting your outcomes!