3 new strong stories to discover the continuous impact of ITEA
ITEA Impact stream extended to 23 stories
Are you looking for solutions to shorten your innovation cycle and time-to-market? Or are you interested in learning more about an integrated modelling and simulation framework able to efficiently specify, design and operate CPS? Perhaps you are just curious about how clinicians are supported in selecting the optimal diagnostic and treatment pathway for patients. Discover the three new strong examples of ITEA’s impact on businesses and people’s lives in the ITEA Impact stream, covering very different topics as acceleration, minimal invasive surgery, and modelling & simulation. To mention only a few highlights of these stories:
- Based on the ACCELERATE project results, the level of automation for the Finnish industry partner AAC Global has increased significantly from where they started; in a typical process, the estimated increase of automated steps is 15%. The turnaround times and go-to-market of the new services and service updates are 20% shorter than before their participation in the project.
- As a result of the BENEFIT project, Philips has already sold over 250 copies of its new commercial tool AneurysmFlow for treating cranial aneurysms. Philips also created an automatic 3D detection of liver tumour feeding vessels, boosting detection accuracy by 26% and resulting in at least 20% less recurrence than with 2D feeder detection.
- OpenModelica has been used in ABB’s Optimax Powerfit product, developed in the MODRIO project, to generate optimising control code that controls and coordinates about 5000 MW (approx. 7.5%) of German electricity production within seconds. This has subsequently been expanded to about 6000 MW.
We invite you to read the inspiring full stories.
ACCELERATE Impact story
A Platform for the Acceleration of go-to market in the ICT Industry
Innovation is about much more than creating technology; it must ‘go to market’. Many companies need new ways to rapidly validate the match between the market and their innovative ICT-intensive technology. The ITEA project ACCELERATE took up the challenge of enabling European technology companies to adopt acceleration know-how by focusing on two goals: the transfer of knowledge on a massive scale and the introduction of a new type of product development, the so-called validated learning process that systematically searches for the technology-market match by validating the mechanics of a business model.
Read the full ACCELERATE Impact story
BENEFIT impact story
Advancing evidence-based medicine for better patient outcome
The BENEFIT project tackled three main challenges: the societal aspect of coping with the increasing number of minimally invasive image-guided interventions; the economic dimension of delivering care with quantified targets in terms of quantity, price and quality of care; and demonstrating the technical feasibility of an integrated infrastructure that includes all relevant imaging and data sources, the modelling, analysis and presentation of these data and the integration into a Clinical Decision Support System. Current diagnostic and therapeutic solutions do not offer the flexibility, quality and integration to automatically extract all the relevant quantified data and process flows. The ITEA project BENEFIT aimed to support clinicians in selecting the optimal diagnostic and treatment pathway for patients.
Read the full BENEFIT Impact story
MODRIO Impact story
Digital twins for the safe and efficient design and operation of cyber-physical systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are very large systems that not only involve a large number of stakeholders but are safety critical and have significant impact on the economy and the environment as well. This makes tools for the safe and efficient design and operation of such systems imperative. The ITEA project MODRIO was set up to extend modelling and simulation tools based on open standards (Modelica and FMI) from system design to system operation. The main technological ambition of the project was to provide an integrated modelling and simulation framework able to efficiently specify, design and operate CPS. To that end, new ideas were developed to address the complete engineering lifecycle, from preliminary design to operation and maintenance.
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