Find below a list of all active and finished ITEA projects
Content Analysis & Networked Technologies towards Advanced and Tailored Assistance.
Electronic Protocols Application Software.
European Sensor Network Architecture.
Global GNU compiler collection.
The goal of NUADU (Celtic god of healing) is to explore the opportunities for providing 'healthcare
Semantic makes Middleware EASY.
Service-Oriented Device & Delivery Architectures
Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems.
Browsing Through Smart Objects Around You.
Optimizing hw-sw Co-design flow for software intensive systems
Trusted Security Platform.
Autonomic network for SOHO users. Pervasive computing for digital homes
Co-development with inner and Open source in Software Intensive products
Enabling Model Transformation-Based Cost Efficient Adaptive Multi-modal User Interfaces
Empowered NEtwoRk manaGement