ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation

ITEA PO Preparation Days 2024

Spark the next ground-breaking innovation!

300+ potential project partners | presentation of innovative project ideas | effective working groups | constructive consortium building | exhibition | award ceremony | interactive B2B meetings | and more...

On 10 September, ITEA, the Eureka Cluster programme on software innovation, will open ITEA Call 2024 for project proposals in conjunction with the ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days (ITEA PO Days) in Antwerp, on 10-12 September.

Here below you can find more information about your participation, the programme and the ITEA Project idea tool. Click on one of the buttons to jump directly to the related webpage.

Register now


Getting started

PO Days 2024: The perfect event to start shaping your ITEA Project Outline and find your future partners

The ITEA PO Days event has proven to be the perfect stepping stone for initiating your new RD&I project in the software innovation domain. Historically, over 70% of the Project Outlines submitted to ITEA originated from this lively event. Building new projects and partnerships are best done in a physical environment, as face-to-face interaction has demonstrated to be the most effective way when forging new projects and partnerships.

The ITEA PO Days 2024 event will integrate the best practices from past events, all aimed at preparing your next ITEA Project Outline and ensuring you get the most out of your participation!

In short, the ITEA PO Days 2024, including the ITEA project exhibition, will enable you to:

  • Present your project idea(s) and/or learn about other project ideas
  • Discuss and work on your project ideas in constructive working group sessions
  • Meet organisations and potential partners from all over Europe and beyond
  • Meet Public Authorities to discuss your idea(s) and learn more about the specific funding rules in your country well in advance
  • Learn from the best during the ITEA Awards of Excellence ceremony 2024
  • Get inspired by the ITEA projects at the exhibition 'Highlights of the ITEA impact'
  • And see how the ITEA Office can support you during the full project lifetime
  • New this year: B2B sessions and a (newcomers) workshop on managerial topics in the afternoon of 10 September!

Check out the detailed programme and block your calendar!

ITEA PO Days - impression

Don’t delay your registration!

The participation fee for the ITEA PO Days 2024 is 195 EUR (VAT excluded, non-refundable). This fee also enables you to visit the ITEA exhibition 'Highlights of the ITEA impact' and the sessions and workshop on 10 September. Don’t miss this great networking opportunity as availability is limited, so register now!

Register now

Note: to participate in the ITEA PO Days you need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Kick off your project proposal now

You can already get started for this Call by using the online ITEA Project idea tool and Partner search. It is highly recommended to start shaping your project idea(s), browse other project ideas (after signing an NDA) and identifying potential partners well in advance to optimise your preparation period before the opening of the Call on 10 September. This online tool set can also support you in preparing your Project Outline when you are interested in participating in our Call for projects but not able to come to Antwerp.
Please also check the tips & tricks from experienced project partners.

Quick links

Our experienced Community members tell you why it is important to be at the ITEA PO Days

Train departure

"It's actually like being on a train station and the ITEA PO Days prepare for the departure of the train. There are several wagons in which you can ride. Once the train has started rolling, you can still climb in, but it becomes increasingly difficult."

- Frank Golatowski | University of Rostock

Spirit of open innovation

"The ITEA PO Days are an excellent networking event. There is a real spirit of open innovation and collaboration. Having discussions with peers can lead to interesting results for all concerned. Some proposed project ideas, which at first seemed to be out of scope for us, turned out to be a perfect opportunity to match our needs with the needs of others."

- Andy De Mets | Barco

Improvement of project proposals

"The PO Days offer the opportunity to strengthen project proposal consortia or to join project proposals of others. Together with these possible partners, the objectives of the project proposals are improved during the different group discussions."

- Frank van der Linden | Philips

Maintain and extend network

"The PO Days bring potential topics for my company. Next to that, it helps to maintain my network and it is an opportunity to catch new contacts which can evolve in cooperation. The fact that you meet people face-to-face, facilitates the future collaboration in my opinion."

- Patrick Chombart | Dassault Systèmes

Opportunity to contribute to exciting POs

"The PO Days help me to strengthen and extend my network and give me the opportunity to contribute to exciting Project Outlines."

- Marius Bilasco | Lille 1 University

Visioning a future world

"If you attend the ITEA PO Days regularly, you see how ideas are evolving to products in some years. And afterwards the ITEA PO Days are not only days to participate in R&D projects, but also days for visioning a future world."

- Özer Aydemir | IOTIQ