ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Lider Teknoloji Geliştirme

Lider Teknoloji Gelistirme (LTG) draws its strength from the experience and know-how of its founding partners and carries out software, hardware, technology development, and R&D projects for the aviation industry at its facility within the Eskisehir Technology Development Zone (ETGB) with its specialised technical and administrative staff. Following its establishment, LTG has carried out market recognition and sector recognition activities and accelerated its institutionalisation and quality activities. In 2007, it was decided to intensify its efforts in "software development" and in 2008, R&D studies on FPGA technology and VHDL hardware description language were initiated. With these studies, integrated circuit (chip) design, hardware design, and manufacturing capabilities were also gained. Having successfully finalised many R&D projects, LTG is currently working on Industry 4.0, IoT and augmented reality with the TUBITAK-TEYDEB supported and multi-partner IoToPro project for the automotive sector. In addition to these studies, the Graphical Flight Simulator (Procedure Trainer), which is used in the theoretical and flight training of multi-engine aircraft in Civil Aviation training institutions, was developed by Lider Teknoloji Gelistirme in accordance with the needs of Civil Aviation. Key experiences: AR/VR, sensor systems, IoT, data acquisition and analysis, AI, software development, simulation design, and development.

Small and Medium sized Enterprise
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Project participation

ITEA Call 2023
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Adaptive Office

ITEA Call 2023
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Monitoring and Analytics for the whole Lifecycle, on Models, Hardware, and Software

ITEA Call 2023
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Providing trustful and ethical personalised conversational interfaces on top of news and information