ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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GTech is an information technologies company offering value added services and solutions for the customers by merging its experiences in various sectors with the global technological developments since 2000. GTech provides services in the following 5 business lines; BigData and Advanced Analytics, Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence, Financial Software Services,  System and Database Management, Enterprise Performance Management.

These business lines provide us over +10 Business Partner (Striim, MongoDB, Elastics Search, Gluent, Data Stax, Google Cloud, Moody’s Analytics, Microsoft, Oracle, etc.) and +200 Active Customer Relationships at various sectors like Local Governments, Public Sector, Real Sector, Insurance, Banking and Finance. Wide customer base is providing many opportunities especially for new generation R&D solutions.

Small and Medium sized Enterprise
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Project participation

Sustainability Call 2022
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REtail using Technology based on Artificial InteLLigence