FICOSA International is a group of companies mainly working as automotive component supplier, with a R+d and Production development point of view. The group, FICOSA international S.A., with headquarter in Barcelona was funded in 1.949 th, and currently is composed for 5 operative divisions created with 20 companies distributed all along 18 countries. To those 5 divisions, 2 more have to be added: one dedicated to After Market products and another to Corporative Services.
The company is structured in different productive areas:- Mirror Systems BU. (FICOMIRRORS)
- Command & Control Systems BU. (FICOTRIAD)
- Plastics and electrical systems BU (UNDERHOOD SYSTEMS)
- Advanced Communications BU (A2C)
- Security Systems BU
FICOSA main market is Europe, though its World expansion politics centre its attention in American and Asiatic.
The European and American technology centres are the main axes of investigation capacity, development and innovation in which its strategy is focused, also with technical and commercial centres which conform the network that FICOSA International have worldwide to give assistance and service to automotive OEMS.
High electronic and mechanic devices are integrated in systems and products manufactured and developed by the company, counting with engineer and specialist teams that create pioneer innovations in this sector with success.
Industrial Activities and products/services commercialized.
Between their products we can find manual and automatic shifter systems, manual brakes, pedals, mirror systems, wind-shield cleaner systems, electronic and signal processing, telemathics and full modules for vehicles. Counting with a portfolio of 700 patents and thanks to its R+D activity, FICOSA is currently official supplier and technological partner of main worldwide OEMS.
(Extracted from the FPP of MIDAS)

- Type
- Large Industry
- Country
- Website