ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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BRICK Modeling Format

19027 AIToC
New standard

BRICK (working title) is a language developed for designing models that are deep, extendable, hierarchical and reusable. With BRICK bundles it is possible to extend the language for domain specific modeling.

In AIToC we have both developed the language and specific BRICK bundles specialized for physics and robotics modeling.

With the physics bundle it is possible to describe advanced mechanical systems with physical parameters for simulation. The bundle has built-in features to enable reinforcement learning for machine control.

The format is readable and writable for humans and machines.

Sandra Ålstig
Research area(s)
Robotics, machine control, physics simulation.
Technical features

BRICK enables:

  • Domain specific modeling
  • Arithmetic expressions
  • Variable initial states
  • Batch simulations
Integration constraints

The BRICK core language source code is intended to be open source and designed for integration in any framework. It is written in C++ with bindings to both python and C#.

Same goes for the physics and robotics specific bundles.

Targeted customer(s)

Robotics, autonomous machines or any industry with the need for modeling with physics.

Conditions for reuse

The goal is to make BRICK an open source project.

Instructions on how to test BRICK are found at AGX Dynamics has implemented a BRICK reader which can be tested with AGX software and license (

Publication date
Involved partners
Algoryx Simulation (SWE)