ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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az groeninge

Az groeninge in Kortrijk is one of the oldest & largest hospitals in Belgium, formed from the merger of three Catholic hospitals and one OCMW hospital. It incorporates continuous innovation as one of the aspects of its mission and invests in modern infrastructure and top technological care.

Some key figures:
● Number of beds: 1,046 beds, including 31 intensive care beds
● Doctors and staff: 3,055 employees, 195 volunteers, 1,301 trainees
● Clinical studies: 319, of which about 12 are currently active

Az groeninge aims to further profile itself as an innovative health campus with a preventive health policy. It pursues an active policy in participating in clinical studies with a view to developing medical devices or new drugs, improving existing treatments and further building up knowledge about diseases to better detect them. The hospital is already involved in a number of innovation/data projects together with KULAK and has experience in the approach and challenges, as well as in bringing data to the cloud.

At the heart of az groeninge is a lab that strives for innovation, development, research, education and expertise. A cluster of specialists aiming to build bridges for new trends, innovative treatments and quality.

A think tank busy planting seeds for science and its growth. All this results in greater understanding, knowledge and progress.

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Project participation

ITEA Call 2022
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PRocedure Optimization and data-driven eFficiency Improvement in healthcare environmenTs.