Vereinigung zur Förderung des Deutschen Brandschutzes (vfdb e.V.)
Vfdb is an association of common public interest. With over 3000 personal and corporate members from the disciplines of fire safety engineering, fire brigades, public authorities, fire industry, research, education, etc. vfdb promotes a comprehensive work within professional groups to increase safety in daily life and in the industrial sector. In the fields of protection, rescue, and safety vfdb publishes standards, guidelines, and codes of practice. As a motor of (inter)national dialogue and collaboration, vfdb organizes congresses, fairs, and is part of various research projects (BMBF-funded like TIBRO, AERIUS, TEBRAS, BRAWA, EVA, BaSiGo, A-DRZ, PRAKOS, SEE-2L, BMWi-funded like ResKriVer, EU-funded like EU FireStat).
Works are carried out within the vfdb and in cooperation with the 14 vfdb-departments. Here, experts of various disciplines are organized and work together, like in the departments of “preventive fire protection”, “fire brigades”, “fire engineering”, “industrial security and fire protection” or “fire protection system”. In our executive committee, among others, (umbrella) associations like the “Federation of EUropean fire officers (FEU)”, the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Leiter der Berufsfeuerwehren (AGBF)”, the “Deutscher Feuerwehrverband (DFV)”, “Werkfeuerwehrverband (WFV)”, „Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie“ (BDI), „ VdS Schadenverhütung (VdS)“ as well as “Federal and Länder Authorities” are represented.

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