ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
Published on 27 Mar 2014

Austrian and Turkish ITEA 3 Kick-off events in preparation

ITEA 3 Kick-off event Austria
On 23 April the ITEA 3 Kick-off event in Austria will take place at the „Haus der Forschung“ in Vienna. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, in collaboration with the ITEA Office, organises this information event. Potential applicants and experienced participants to EUREKA and its cluster initiatives will receive information on the programmes, the possibilities for project funding in Austria and presentations from Austrian project participants on their experiences. There will also be a possibility to present project ideas and running projects which are looking for project partners.

To participate in this event and/or the see all the details, please visit the ITEA 3 Kick-off Austria website.


ITEA 3 Kick-off events Turkey
The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey (TÜBITAK) and the ITEA Office will organise three ITEA 3 Kick-off events in Turkey:

During these events the results of ITEA 2 will be presented and participants will receive an outlook on the successor programme ITEA 3. They can look forward to exciting presentations and networking opportunities towards new ITEA 3 project ideas and consortia. More information about these ITEA 3 Kick-off events, including the programme and registration links, can soon be found online.

For a full overview and extra details of the upcoming ITEA 3 events, please check the ITEA 3 Kick-off events webpage. Furthermore, do not forget to save the date of the opening of
ITEA 3 Call 1 on 23 September, together with the PO Preparation Days in Amsterdam on 23-24 September. We look forward to meeting you there! More information will follow in due time.

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