Czech Republic in ITEA
On this webpage, you will find an overview of activities and publications of the Czech Republic in ITEA. It provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of participating in an ITEA project and whether ITEA could be a fit for your organisation. You can also find the national funding contact details.
ITEA award-winning projects with Czech participation

Achievement Awards 2002

Platform for Enhanced Provisioning of Terminal-independent Applications
ITEA projects with Czech participation

Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development

Detect Fraudulent Activities in dark web and clear web to protect your business

Food Friend
Autonomous and easy-to-use tool for monitoring of personal food intake and personalised feedback
ITEA Project partners from Czech Republic

Masaryk University

Czech Technical University in Prague

Charles University in Prague
Latest ITEA news including Czech Republic

Published on 19 Apr 2023
SmartDelta offers solution for retro perspective code analysis in technical debt management
Funding information for Czech Republic