ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Stress detection algorithm

18033 Mad@Work

Our state-of-the-art Stress Detection Algorithm is specifically engineered to recognize and classify stress levels in individuals, showcasing an impressive accuracy rate of 86.8% and an F1 score of 87% in a binary stress/non-stress prediction. Derived from robust data sets and rigorous machine learning training, the algorithm stands as a testament to the power of modern data analysis and its application to the field of personal well-being.

Fátima Rodrigues
Research area(s)
Stress Detection
Technical features
  1. Highly Accurate Prediction: With an accuracy rate of 86.8% and an F1 score of 87%, our algorithm exhibits one of the top-performing metrics in the domain, ensuring reliable and precise stress detection.
  2. Adaptability: Designed to integrate seamlessly into various platforms – be it wearables, mobile apps, or integrated health systems – providing versatility to potential adopters.
  3. Real-time Analysis: Capable of providing instantaneous results, making it invaluable for real-time stress monitoring and prompt interventions, if required.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: Beyond mere stress detection, our algorithm can offer valuable insights derived from data, aiding in a deeper understanding of stress patterns and triggers, and subsequently assisting in devising personalized stress management strategies.
  5. Scalable Framework: Constructed on a modular design principle, allowing for future enhancements, integration of additional features, or adaptation to emerging research findings in stress analytics.
Integration constraints

Possible integration: Develop a RESTful API that can receive raw physiological data, facial expressions, and demographic information, and then return a stress prediction. This would allow third-party applications to integrate and make use of the prediction model without directly accessing the algorithm. SDK: Provide an SDK that developers can use to integrate the stress detection functionalities directly into their software or applications.

Constraints: Data Quality, Latency, hardware, user interference

Targeted customer(s)

Corporate enterprises and HR Departments; Mental Health and Wellness Platforms; Healthcare Institutions; Fitness and Wellness Apps; Remote work tools and platfotms; Educational institutions

Conditions for reuse

Proprietary License

Publication date
Involved partners
Polytechnic Institute of Porto (PRT)
Médis – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Saúde, SA (PRT)