ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA PO Days 2024 page header

Tips & Tricks

ITEA PO Days 2024, 10-12 September 2024

We have asked our experienced project partners to give some tips & tricks to optimise your participation in the ITEA PO Days and the ITEA Call 2024 for projects:

Clear overview

Make sure to have a clear overview of the programme and identify the most important elements (and project ideas) for you.

Mutual backbone

Keep an open mind and think broad enough. Projects should have a mutual “backbone”, so do not try to find a dedicated project that targets your specific problem, but find overlapping problems and topics on which you can work with others.

Identify contact prior to event

Identify some participants you intend to contact prior to the event.

Focus on one or two projects

During the PO Days, it can be a bit confusing at the beginning as projects often merge. It might not be possible to follow the evolution of all the projects that you had your eye on. Focus on the one or two that fit your interest best.

Make sure to have business impact

Have a clear innovation step, be result oriented and make sure to have business impact (short, medium or long term).

Contact PAs in an early stage

Keep in mind that funding is subject to local regulations. Make sure to learn about these local regulations and contact the Public Authorities at an early stage. Several PAs will be present at the PO Days.

Use Project idea tool extensively

Use the ITEA Project idea tool extensively. It allows you to identify the project ideas that are in your field of interest. You can already get in touch with partners and start building the Project Outline even before the opening of the Call.

Team and idea are equally important for success

Remember that your project team is at least as important as your project idea for the success of your project. Meeting people face-to-face will often facilitate future collaboration.