ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation

United Kingdom in ITEA

After a long period of absence, the United Kingdom has been actively supporting British participation in ITEA projects again since ITEA Call 2022. At the submission deadline of that Call, 12 UK organisations were engaged in a Full Project Proposal (FPP). Just one year later, this number surged to 26 British organisations contributing to a total of 12 submitted FPPs, illustrating a remarkable increase in interest and commitment. This progress provides a solid foundation for extending collaboration in the future.

On this webpage, you will find an overview of activities and publications of the United Kingdom in ITEA. It provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of participating in an ITEA project and whether ITEA could be a fit for your organisation. You can also find the national funding contact details.

ITEA award-winning projects with British participation

ITEA 3 Call 3
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ITEA Award of Excellence 2022
Exceptional Excellence
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OPTimised Industrial IoT and Distributed Control Platform for Manufacturing and Material Handling

ITEA 2 Call 1
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Achievement Awards 2010
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Parallel Programming for Multi-core Architectures

ITEA 1 Call 8
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Achievement Awards 2009
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Service-Oriented Device & Delivery Architectures

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ITEA projects with British participation

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ITEA Project partners from United Kingdom









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Funding information for United Kingdom