ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
ITEA is the Eureka Cluster on software innovation
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Impact stream Download full Impact stream

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Challenges & Impact stories

Impact is one of the main ambitions in ITEA. Impact on business, on the market, on society. Without impact, a project will not be successful in ITEA. This is a key value in ITEA, and impact and potential impact are central during the project lifecycle: in project evaluation, monitoring, closure and in communication of the results.

Many ITEA projects have achieved incredible results and most of these successes could not have been achieved without the (financial) support of the national Public Authorities. They have put their trust in these projects and supported them with public funds, making it possible for the project partners to get the most out of it. In return, ITEA is now gathering project impact stories to show in what way they solve key societal challenges and have an impact on business, on the market and on society.

All impact stories will be collected in this ITEA Impact stream. The ITEA Impact stream is a living publication that consists of 2 main elements: 7 main societal challenges and a set of impact stories showcasing the impact highlights of successful ITEA projects.

Create your own personal ITEA Impact stream by choosing the challenges, countries and topics of your interest and be inspired by the results!

Please note that over time more impact stories will be added to the ITEA Impact stream

PARTNER Impact story

Smart Health · 04 December 2023

During a patient’s journey through the health system, his or her medical information is often stored in multiple databases focusing on specific elements of the needed care and the patient’s condition – even within one hospital. These databases generally cannot interact, which makes it impossible to draw up all information belonging to one patient. In addition, information coming from self-monitoring solutions can also be very valuable when integrated with hospital’s data. The PARTNER project has developed an architecture that makes it possible to let different systems, offered by multiple vendors, communicate with each other.
PARTNER project image

MOS2S Impact story

Smart Cities · 03 October 2022

Traditional media is losing ground to personalised experiences. Children of today choose what to watch at the time they want. And they even produce thousands of pieces of content on their own each day. This trend in the entertainment business can also be seen in society, where city representatives no longer make decisions on their own. Everybody wants to be involved, or at least can be. The MOS2S project took the outdated broadcasting concept to the next level, adding a completely different dimension with features such as instant live broadcasting with the aim to capture as much sensor data as possible and use this data in various applications in order to eventually enhance the experiences of people.
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Flex4Apps Impact story

Smart Engineering · 16 December 2021

Anybody in the industry knows that monitoring applications is important: you want to know how your apps are performing, both from a technical perspective, such as CPU usage, memory, errors, as well as from a user perspective. The problem today is that for many teams, monitoring and analytics is just one of the many things they need to do, with little technical nor methodological guidance. And collecting, storing, analysing and acting upon data from larger, distributed systems is not that easy. The Flex4Apps partners built reference architectures, providing template solutions for dealing with monitoring and analytics, and they developed the methodological support to help teams leverage these.

FUSE-IT Impact story

Smart Cities · 18 October 2021

FUSE-IT addressed the need for sustainable, reliable, user-friendly, efficient, safe and secure Building Management Systems in the context of smart critical sites, like hospitals. From a site management perspective, it solves the dilemma of efficiency and security in intelligent buildings. At the user level, a smart unified building management interface enables the daily monitoring and control of a building, while a full security management interface enables the supervision of both physical and logical security throughout the premises. And at the end-user level, this can save both energy and lives.

Reflexion Impact story

Smart Engineering · 01 October 2021

The next step forward for the high-tech systems manufacturing domain is to integrate operational data into a product’s development lifecycle. The Reflexion partners have succeeded in the real-time and continuous conversion of operational user data from industry into information, thereby gaining better control over the production process, the use of the product and the future design. This creates a so-called ‘digital loop’ in which data is fed back to the ecosystem.
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3DPathology Impact story

Smart Health · 31 December 2020

We all know pathology, thinking of the healthcare professional examining a tissue section under a microscope, looking for evidence of cancerous cells. Many years ago, the pathology process was digitalised to provide a high-resolution digital image, facilitating the acquisition, management, sharing and interpretation of pathology information. More recently, these digital images were becoming increasingly more accurate to render 3D shapes of objects. Organs structures and contents were already revealed in 3D distribution, but this was not yet the case for tissues. The project 3DPathology was set out to create a 3D digital pathology solution, based on a combination of multiple existing pathology modalities, for same-day diagnosis and much more personalised treatment of cancer.
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C³PO Impact story

Smart Cities · 23 November 2020

Before the age of social networks, city planners would first hire architects and contractors for new urban developments and improvements and, once the plans had been finalised and a 3D scale model produced, they would consult their voters. Today, the ITEA C³PO project has found ways for city planners and designers to consult citizens throughout the urban transformation process and thereby give citizens a better say in urban developments. The aim of the project was to set up a common digital platform that connects all the tools for collaborative urban development.

M2MGrids Impact story

Smart Cities · 30 September 2020

The M2MGrids project aimed at creating enablers for a dynamic cyber-physical information ecosystem that would interoperate in real time with the business processes of companies with real-life objects, people and things. M2MGrids focussed on major disruptions in targeted energy and mobility domains. The disruption in the energy domain was related to operating models and the high cost of peak hours in energy grids. The inability of multiple stakeholder systems to exchange information in dynamic situations (such as in a traffic accident) was leading to disruptions in the mobility domain.
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ACCELERATE Impact story

Smart Communities · 19 December 2019

Innovation is about much more than creating technology; it must ‘go to market’. Many companies need new ways to rapidly validate the match between the market and their innovative ICT-intensive technology. The ITEA project ACCELERATE took up the challenge of enabling European technology companies to adopt acceleration know-how by focusing on two goals: the transfer of knowledge on a massive scale and the introduction of a new type of product development, the so-called validated learning process that systematically searches for the technology-market match by validating the mechanics of a business model.
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MODRIO impact story

Smart Engineering · 12 December 2019

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are very large systems that not only involve a large number of stakeholders but are safety critical and have significant impact on the economy and the environment as well. This makes tools for the safe and efficient design and operation of such systems imperative. The ITEA project MODRIO, which ran from 2012 to 2016, was set up to extend modelling and simulation tools based on open standards (Modelica and FMI) from system design to system operation. The main technological ambition of the project was to provide an integrated modelling and simulation framework able to efficiently specify, design and operate CPS. To that end, new ideas were developed to address the complete engineering lifecycle, from preliminary design to operation and maintenance.
MODRIO showcase
15 results on 2 pages


Smart Cities
Smart Communities
Smart Health
Smart Mobility
Smart Industry
Smart Energy
Smart Engineering
Safety and Security


Programme Call
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